



  • I am able to think critically.
  • I understand the process of journalism, which includes fact checking.
  • I understand why it is important to check sources.
  • I understand the concept of ‘fake news’ and how it relates to media literacy.
  • I can avoid information traps.
  • I know the steps of fact checking.





Q1: ‘Thinking critically’ means:

  • A: Criticising journalists who do not respect the profession’s ethical rules.
  • B: Not believing information shared by traditional media.
  • C: Not believing information shared on social media.
  • D: Being able to think autonomously, rationally, and with awareness about information while bearing the author’s intentions in mind.


Q2: The correct response to a news item is:

  • A: Check the sources; separate the verifiable facts from interpretations of events; compare interpretations and rank them, giving preference to those based on experimentation and research over hypothesis and belief.
  • B: Check the sources; analyse the interpretations by getting confirmation from a third party; try to see what is hiding behind the information; give preference to interpretations based on hypothesis and belief.
  • C: Check the sources; look up the author, the number of articles they have written on the topic, and their number of followers on social media before accepting their hypothesis.
  • D: Be dubious of the accuracy and the author’s intentions, even if the author relies on experimentation and research.


Q3: To check a source, it is enough to:

  • A: Ensure that it does not come from social media.
  • B: Know who the piece’s author is and have trust in them.
  • C: Find out where the piece originated, check whether the source is a person or entity with expertise on the topic, then corroborate.
  • D: Confirm that it is spread on traditional media.


Q4: The concept of false information or ‘fake news’ describes information that:

  • A: Is contrary to popular belief and problematic for public debate.
  • B: Is fabricated, doctored, or distorted then purposefully spread by individuals in order to manipulate the public.
  • C: Cannot be verified even if it is true.
  • D: Is spread very quickly by internet users.


Q5: In order to avoid disinformation traps, you need to:

  • A: Allow all sorts of information to circulate and let young people sharpen their critical thinking skills.
  • B: Hold social media and ‘tech giants’ accountable.
  • C: Limit online freedom of expression and the work of journalists.
  • D: Prepare the public to deal with the rise in fake news by offering media literacy training.


Q6: Although the media use fact checking to fight fake news, you must remain cautious because:

  • A: Some questions cannot be answered through mere fact checking, such as matters of politics, opinion, or morals.
  • B: Fact checking could lead the media to spread other fake news.
  • C: Journalists are not able to verify every news item.
  • D: The media always have a financial motive which necessarily influences their judgment.





  • Q1: D
  • Q2: A
  • Q3: C
  • Q4: B
  • Q5: B, D
  • Q6: A