Practical activities


Duration : 0.5 hours
Equipment :

Powerpoint, projector, whiteboard or white screen





This quiz is a tool that makes learning a game – it is not an evaluation. The activity should at least partially consist of easy, accessible questions to build students’ confidence in tackling the topic and encourage them to get involved.

This activity can give students practical experience with topics such as fake news before trying to give it a theoretical definition. At the same time, it also directly encourages them to think critically.

Students may also be surprised to see how a news item or image can make them jump to conclusions.

In other words, this activity raises a variety of questions related to media literacy.





- Encourage oral participation, dialogue, and reasoned debate and consolidate the workshop’s theoretical concepts through a practical, cognitive activity

- Create a group dynamic by building team spirit

- Effectively convey theoretical concepts about the media universe (freedom of the press, historical dates, etc.)





  1. The instructor prepares about 15 questions (one slide of questions followed by one slide of answers).
  2. The instructor separates participants into teams of four or five.
  3. Each team is asked to work together to answer the questions, which are presented as multiple choice, by choosing only one of the possible answers.
  4. When the teams give their answers, the instructor asks each team to give a brief oral justification of their choice.
  5. The instructor reveals the correct answer, marking the number of points each team has received. Scores should be announced after each question, with 1 point awarded per correct answer.


Ideally, you should make your own quiz on the topics in question. You can look for inspiration and show your students how quizzes work by going to a website such as ‘’, which offers fun quizzes in a range of categories (‘Science or Fiction?’ is of interest here).


Sample question:

Where do you think Serbia ranks in the 2020 World Press Freedom Index?

  1. 2
  2. 20
  3. 71
  4. 93


Answer: D. Serbia is in 93rd place according to the 2020 World Press Freedom Index. Serbia remains a country where it is often dangerous to be a journalist and where fake news spreads very quickly. Most investigations into attacks against reporters have stalled or been shelved.

The Balkan context

For this activity, refer to the ‘Fake news’ topic sheet in the ‘Get informed’ section of our educational website. Teachers will find here a variety of fake news items to use in the activity.